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8 de junho de 2022

Study from FOCACCia project presented in

XVII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology

Different methodological approaches for exposure assessment of Bisphenol A in the Portuguese population.

Costa SA, Correia D, Severo M, Carvalho C, Magalhães V, Vilela S, Lopes C, Torres S.

1 September 2022

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Scientific work of FOCACCia project regarding the dietary exposure to acrylamide became news

The study that assessed the dietary exposure to acrylamide by Portuguese population (Risk characterization of dietary acrylamide exposure and associated factors in the Portuguese population) was highlighted in a news published by the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto.

Found more here.

13 June 2022

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FOCACCia alerts consumers to the exposure of food additives and food contaminants

On the celebration of World Food Safety Day, in an interview with the Agência Lusa, Duarte Torres, co-principal investigator of FOCACCia project, alerted the consumers to the knowledge of "recycling number" of the food containers where they usually store food and drinks.

Found more here, here and here.

8 June 2022

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FOCACCia published e-book and leaflet in World Food Safety Day

Thinking on consumers and health professionals, to celebrate the World Food Safety Day FOCACCia team, with the collaboration of Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica (ASAE) and Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS), published a leaflet and e-book with the main results of this project and practical messages to be used on a daily basis.

See also the news on ISPUP' website

7 June 2022

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FOCACCia awarded at the XXI Congress of Food and Nutrition


The work distinguished with the prize for the second best oral communication assessed the association between bisphenol A exposure and cardiometabolic risk in adolescents.

26 and 27 May 2022

26 and 27 May 2022

Scientific works of FOCACCia project presented at

XXI Congress of Food and Nutrition

Bisphenol A and cardiometabolic risk in adolescents: data from the Generation XXI cohort (Portugal).

Magalhães V, Severo M, Costa SA, Correia D, Carvalho C, Torres D, Casal S, Cunha S, Lopes C.


Understanding the influence of socioeconomic and behavioural factors on dietary exposure to heterocyclic amines among the portuguese population.

Costa MP, Correia D, Carvalho C, Vilela S, Magalhães V, Lopes C, Torres D.

Webinar | Contaminantes & aditivos alimentares:

              exposição e risco na população portuguesa

In the past 13 of december took place, within the scope of the FOCACCia project, the Webinar "Contaminants & food additives: exposure and risk in the Portuguese population". In that meeting was presented the main results and conclusions achieved.

The webinar was streamed live and can be reviewed at any time here

16 December 2021

Webinar | Contaminantes & aditivos alimentares:

              exposição e risco na população portuguesa

On 13 of december, from 9h00 to 13h00, wacth the Webinar organized by FOCACCia team, in which will be presented the main results and findings within this project. The programme can be checked here.

The Webinar will be broadcast on ISPUP' YouTube channel.

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3 December 2021


Researchers presented scientific works of FOCACCia project at 

XX Congress of Food and Nutrition

Estimation of Portuguese population dietary exposure to Bisphenol A.

Costa SA, Magalhães V, Correia D, Carvalho AC, Vilela S, Cunha S, Casal S, Lopes C, Torres D.


Exposure to dietary heterocyclic amines by the Portuguese population: comparison of two exposure methods.

Costa MP, Magalhães V, Correia D, Vilela S, Carvalho AC, Lopes C, Torres D.

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23 and 24 September 2021

Captura de ecrã 2021-11-04, às 16.07.06.png

7 and10 September 2021

Scientific works of FOCACCia project presented at

XVI Congress of the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology

Dietary exposure to artificial sweeteners in the Portuguese population.

Carvalho, C; Correia, D; Severo, M; Lopes, C; Torres, D.

Dietary patterns and cognitive ability in children: associations and mediation effects of adiposity.

Marinho AR, Severo M, Costa R, Vilela S, Lauzon-Guillain B, Torres D, Barros H, Lopes C.

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Scientific work of FOCACCia project cited on Food Packaging Forum

The study that assessed the consumption of packaged foods in Portugal (Consumption of packaged foods by the Portuguese population: type of materials and its associated factors) was highlighted in an opinion article, entitled Portuguese study surveys consumption of packaged foods.

Find more here

5 November 2020

28 September 2020

A study from FOCACCia project presented at

EUGLOH, Global Health Challenges: Diseases of Modern Life


Gender-effect on longitudinal association of dietary macronutrient intake during childhood and adiposity: findings from the Generation XXI Birth Cohort.

Marinho R, Severo M, Vilela S, Lopes C.


FOCACCia awarded at the XIX Congress of Food and Nutrition


The work distinguished with the prize for best oral communication assessed the acrylamide dietary exposure of the Portuguese population.


Find more hereherehere and here

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9 and 10 September 2020


Researchers presented scientific works of FOCACCia project in 

XIX Congress of Food and Nutrition


Estimation of dietary exposure to acrylamide of the Portuguese population.

Costa SA, Carvalho, AC, Vilela S, Correia D, Lopes C, Torres D.


Association between the Eating Location and Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods among Portuguese children and adolescents.

​Pimenta P, Magalhães V, Correia D, Lopes C, Torres D, Rodrigues S, Vilela S.

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9 and 10 September 2020

1 - 4 September 2020

FOCACCia project presented at

European and International Congress on Obesity


Ultra-processed foods consumption and cardiometabolic health outcomes in childhood: a longitudinal approach.

Vilela S, Magalhães V, Severo M, Oliveira A, Torres D, Barros H, Lopes C.

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26 and 27 September 2019

Scientific work from FOCACCia project presented at

3rd International Conference on Food Contaminants

Food packaging materials use in the Portuguese population.

Costa SA, Vilela S, Correia D, Severo M, Lopes C, Torres D.


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16 and 17 May 2019

FOCACCia project represented at

XVIII Congress of Food and Nutrition

Materiais de embalagem alimentar na População Portuguesa: utilização e factores associados.

Costa SA, Vilela S, Correia D, Severo M, Lopes C, Torres D.


Find more here

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